Dr. med. vet. Fabienne Ferrara (M. mel.)
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"High quality research can only be achieved with maximum
animal well-being and human well-being."
Dr. med. vet. Fabienne Ferrara (M. mel.)
I am convinced that animal experiments in life science cannot be completely replaced. Using animals for research is challenging and my ethical guiding principle is all animals are treated with respect and dignity. I strongly believe that high-quality research can only be achieved with fully committed high standards for animal welfare and satisfied employees.
You as clients can rely on me to find together a practicable way to combine both. Based on trust and transparency, I would like to inspire future customers with my work.
Veterinarian for Laboratory Animal Science
Due on various professional stations at universities, research institutions and researching companies, I have experienced the subject matter and the area of conflict between animal experiments and research from different angles and perspectives.
Master of Medicine, Ethics and Law
Through my Master's degree in Medical Ethics Law (Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg), I have acquired legal knowledge, can better examine ethical fields of tension and provide assistance in concrete conflict situations. The discourse with people from different professional fields is always part of my personal development.
Scientific Work
Due to my own scientific activities as a veterinary specialist for laboratory animal science with a doctorate, I have a broad interdisciplinary expertise in the field of basic and applied research. I combine the experience from my many years of animal experimentation in interdisciplinary research projects with the knowledge in laboratory animal science and the perspective from my work as an animal welfare officer.
Animal Science: 2009 - 2017
Institute for Anatomy | TiHo Hannover | Germany
Institute for Animal Nutrition | FU-Berlin | Germany
Pentracor GmbH Berlin | Germany
German Heart Institute Berlin (DHZB) | Germany
Fraunhofer Institut for Cell Therapy and Immunology | Leipzig | Germany
Charité University of Medicine | Berlin |Germany
Guest lecturer (equine science) | FU-Berlin
at the Institute for Animal Welfare, Animal Behaviour and Laboratory Animal Science | Germany
Animal Welfare Officer and Animal Welfare Management (project management):
2017 - 2020
Max Delbrück Center (MDC) for Molecular Medicine, in the Helmholtz-Association Berlin | Germany
preclinics GmbH (Potsdam) und Behring Campus Eystrup | Germany
Further education on "healthy working environment“
Publications (selection)
Scientific publications
Articles of Interest
Leider kein Impfstoff ohne Leiden
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My service arrangements are diverse and are adapted to the special needs of my clients. These can range from advice to active support in conception and implementation. This can also be the assumption of tasks of an external animal welfare officer.
I also offer a wide range of training and coaching opportunities (analogue and virtual). Interactive training courses on laboratory animal science topics or intensive seminars (webinars) and workshops on communication, animal well-being and human well-being can be individually designed and implemented.
All services are provided in house or virtually. In English or German respectively.
Regulatory applications
Request and implementation of legal requirements on animal experiments and animal husbandry
Focus on 3R - ways of implementation
Request and implementation of clinical field studies
In the function of (external) animal welfare officer
Regulatory applications and study planning
Individual way to achieve your goal (project management)
Support and development of a communication culture
Support and development of a healthy work culture (staff welfare)s
Support and development of internal ethics programs
Focus 3R: Establishing of an internal quality management system for animal welfare and research
Conducting external animal welfare audits of cooperation partners
Interactive regular training events (in-house)
Interactive seminars (webinars), workshops and lectures: Communication, law, animal well-being and human well-being (stress and compassion fatigue), human-animal bond and ethical tensions.
Individual or group coaching: mental stress in the field of animal research (compassion fatigue), communication
Please contact me and find out more about our possibilities for joint cooperation.
Get more information here:
(german, page 16)
Sign up here:
>> Lets talk about Animal Experimenting (german)
>> Wellbeing of Laboratory Animals & Culture of Care
>> Study Planing & Culture of Care
>> Relationship between Humans and Animals
>> Zebrafish in Experimental Science
Berliner Kompaktkurse
Find out more: HERE
Find out more: HERE
I give lectures at events on laboratory animal science
organised by GV-SOLAS and IGTP
Find out more: HERE
FU Berlin
I am a guest lecturer at the FU Berlin
at the Institute for Animal Welfare, Animal Behaviour
and Laboratory Animal Science
JULY 2021
I have been part of the 1st social media campaign "Get on BOARD "Be Open about Animal Research Day"
Read more about it HERE
Upcoming Webinars Workshops, Conferences
Online-Workshop der IGTP: Du machst (etwa) Tierversuche? – Lasst uns sprechen! Find out more HERE
Language: German
6R-Roundtable (01. September 2021): 4. Online Podium — das dritte R: Reduce: Tötung von Tieren nur mit vernünftigen Grund — wie reduzieren wir die Anzahl überzähliger Tiere auf das unerlässliche Maß? Find out more HERE
Language: German
GV-SOLAS Jahrestagung (Online): Roundtable Tierversuche und emotionale Belastung (u.a.). Find out more HERE
Language: German
Workshops (Online) Culture of Care, Wohlbefinden und Studienplanung.
Find out more HERE
Language: German
Workshop (virtuell) Culture of Care, Kommunikation und Mensch-Tier-Beziehung.
Find out more HERE
Language: German
(c) DR. FABIENNE FERRARA | ConScienceTrain